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R-Rated: This story is not suitable for underage players due to pornographic content.

Escape Room – One Night in Hong Kong

Where is Wen DeE?

A night among the most wicked gangsters of the Walled City. Have you got what it takes for the streets of Hong Kong?


One Night in Hong KOng

The Chinese mafia has quietly ruled the underworld for ages. A web of extortion and illegal trafficking spans across the Walled City. So far it has been your family in whose hands all threads ran together, but now a new triad announces the change of power.

Last night something was stolen from us. We are sure that the enemy triad is behind it.  The honor of the Red Lotus is at stake!

Single Mode

You can book this story in Single Mode with 2 - 7 players or choose Versus Mode and play Escape Room against Escape Room with up to 14 players in total.

2 - 7
14 - 99+
Versus Icon
Single or Versus
Hong Kong Icon

your next adventure starts in 60 minutes

This story is available in Single Mode for up to six players, you can either book room A or room B.
If you are looking for a Versus Game, you can play both Escape Rooms simultaneously with 12 people. Make your choice now.

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